Magnesium L-Threonate

Products name:Magnesium L-Threonate

CAS NO :778571-57-6

Other name:L-Threonic acid magnesium salt;
Magnesium Bis[(2R,3S)-2,3,4-trihydroxybutanoate]

Molecular formula: C8H14MgO10

Molecular weight: 294.49576

Appearance:white powder

Magnesium L-Threonate:

General Information
Products name:Magnesium L-Threonate
CAS NO :778571-57-6
Other name:L-Threonic acid magnesium salt;Magnesium Bis[(2R,3S)-2,3,4-trihydroxybutanoate]
Molecular formula: C8H14MgO10
Molecular weight: 294.49576
Appearance:white powder
Item of Analysis Specification Results
Assay (On dried basis) 98.0%~102.0%(titration) 99.7%
Appearance White fine granular powder, odorless Conforms
 Precipitation test Ammonification tests, the white precipitate; Add ammonium chloride, precipitate dissolve, try adding disodium hydrogen phosphate drops drop, vibration wave, generate white precipitate  Conforms
Loss on Drying ≤1.0% 0.24%
pH 5.8~8.0 6.7
Mg 7.2%~8.3% 7.9%
Pb ≤0.2ppm Conforms
As ≤0.6ppm Conforms
Hg ≤0.25ppm Conforms
Total number ofcolonies ≤1000CFU/g Conforms
Coliforms ≤40MPN/100g Conforms
Mold and yeast ≤25CFU/g Conforms
Pathogenicbacteria Salmonella 、Shigella 、Staphylococcus aureus andHemolytic streptococcus:May not be detected Conforms